Nothing cosier than a wooden floor in your home. It immediately gives your space a warm and homey atmosphere. But not everyone is so thrilled by the idea of a wooden floor, because they are afraid that they are difficult to maintain or they will get scratched easily. But if you maintain your wooden floor properly, none of that should be a problem.
Opt for a long life!
If you want to enjoy your wooden floor as long as possible, the floor will have to be cleaned thoroughly every once in a while. The way you maintain your wooden floor is also very important. Here are some tips that can save you some cleaning time:
· Use a doormat
If you have a doormat, everyone that enters will wipe their feet first. That way you have to clean less, but your wooden floor will also be protected better. Because shoes can have pebbles and abrasive particles on the soles, which could damage your wooden floor.
· No wet shoes
Make sure no one walks on your wooden floor with wet shoes. Moisture causes stains and irregularities in the floor.
· Remove moisture immediately
Do you have spots on your floor? Remove them right away. Use a moisture-absorbing cloth, so the moisture doesn’t get a chance to penetrate into the wooden floor.
Use the right products
Rubio Monocoat takes care of your wood and this does not stop after the application of our oil to protect and colour your wood. To keep the oiled surfaces in top condition, Rubio Monocoat has an extensive range of maintenance products. Was your wooden floor treated with Rubio Monocoat? Be sure to use the correct aftercare products.
Cleaning your wooden floor
· Rubio Monocoat Soap
This soap is a maintenance soap for regular cleaning of oiled wooded surfaces. The soap thoroughly removes all dirt and grease and maintains the matt, natural look of the wood.
· Rubio Monocoat Surface Care
In addition, there is also the Rubio Monocoat Surface Care. This is the convenient, ready-to-use version in spray form of the Rubio Monocoat Soap. This product is suitable for cleaning smaller spaces and local stains on floors, tables, counters, etc. If, for example, you have a wine stain on your table, spray the Rubio Monocoat Surface Care on the spot, and rub clean with a cloth: the stain is gone.

Removing stains
Did you have a party or dinner and now you have stains on your wooden floor? Obviously, you want to remove these as soon as possible. If your wood was treated with Rubio Monocoat, we recommend these products:
Although many stains can be removed with Rubio Monocoat Soap and Rubio Monocoat Surface Care, Rubio Monocoat has additionally developed several specific stain removers. Below you can find the various removers, but each product has its own function.
· Rubio Monocoat Grease Remover
This stain remover is specialised in grease stains, such as olive oil, frying fat, crisps, oil, etc. It can also be used to remove heel marks and polishing wax.
· Rubio Monocoat Limespot Remover
This remover focuses on lime spots and other alkaline stains, such as urine, fertilizers, rust stains, heating water, etc. You should always have Rubio Monocoat Limespot Remover on hand if you have pets.
· Rubio Monocoat Tannin Remover
This product combats heavy/tannin stains, such as rings or stains from tin cans, flowerpots, etc. Rubio Monocoat Tannin Remover is also good after water damage on parquet or in case of sinter layer on exterior wood (on the bottom of gates, doors, on outside walls, etc.).
We do want to comment that if you use the Rubio Monocoat Grease, Limespot or Tannin Remover, you may need to carry out local repairs. You can do this by applying oil in the original colour. Is the surface too stain-sensitive? Then you should do a maintenance session with Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C (in the originally applied colour), to reinstate both the colour and the protection.

Refreshing and renovation
· Rubio Monocoat Refresh Eco
This is a ready-to-use sprayable product, to refresh and repair all oiled wooden surfaces. Depending on the wear and tear, a treatment with Rubio Monocoat Refresh Eco can be applied in specific spots a few times a year, whenever the surface is too dry.
Rubio Monocoat Refresh Eco is not pigmented. If the colour also needs to be repaired, you need to do maintenance with the Rubio Monocoat Oil Plus 2C, in the colour the surface was originally treated with.

If you use these tips and products, you can be sure that you will be enjoying your wooden floor for a long time!
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